

Disobedient woman. Blue sky thinker, entrepreneur, avid gardener and coffee lover.
Other jobs include working as a midwife, (Midwife of the Year in 2014) Chair of IMUK.



The every woman from Chaka Khan fame. Passionate, nurturing, understanding and outspoken. The perfect disobedient women. Other jobs include, midwife, hypnobirthing teacher, DJ and social commentator.



Independent woman. Passionate advocate, dancer, explorer and lover of fast cars.
Other jobs include midwife and dinner party hostess extraordinaire.



Sky’s the limit woman. Running, jumping climbing, bending and gin aficionado.
Other jobs, Midwife, Yoga teacher, aromatherapist, flight attendant alumni.

Women make up approx 49% of the world population. There are some interesting stats here (https://ourworldindata.org/gender-ratio), that tell us that overall women are slightly in the minority across the world populations, with an estimated 136 million of “missing women” (Bongaarts & Guilmoto 2015) across the globe, that is a figure higher than the population of Mexico! 

The term “missing women” refers to the sum of women not being born due to selective abortion. And higher mortality due to child neglect or maltreatment.

So globally woman are still suffering a sexual bias. However women in the western world are finally taking a strong line around equality, reproductive rights and the prolific sexual harassment they are experiencing in all and every strata of our society. So with that in mind and recent social media campaigns highlighting these issues we thought another opportunity to have women’s voices heard was essential. And so The Eve Event was born! 

We are a group of four self employed women working together. We are Jacqui Tomkins, Mal Soomessur, Emilie Edwards and Rebecca Tieken. 

We have been so lucky to know and meet other strong and inspiring women from our field of work and professional contacts. And they have been so generous with their time and their experiences, talking candidly about the things that are important to them and are maybe not really spoken about publicly, but then, that is what disobedient women do….